Friday, April 8, 2011


“Let him go!” , a female’s voice clouded in his mind.
                Voices echoed in his head as if they came from deep under the sea, too vague for him to recognize.
                “Why would I do that…” and he couldn’t hear the rest of the man’s voice. He drifted off once again, feeling good as the darkness pulled him towards its warmth. He sighed and kept his eyes closed.
                “What did you do to him, you bastard?!” she tried to attack him but did not succeed when his silly little pets grabbed her arms. “Let me go!!”
                He laughed at her face, mocking her reactions. Victory painted on his lips as he saw those emotions that traveled in her eyes and face. At last, he can end the life of that smelly rat that she was for him. He smirked as she wasted her energy to struggle against the firm hold of his men.
                “Don’t waste your strength.”
                “What do you really want from me?! You already have everything, position, father. Why do you have to do this to me?!”
                “Do I really have to explain it to you? Don’t you ever think Shoobak?” he pointed at her head in tapped it. “Simple…your mother ruined our life. If not for her my mom would still be alive!”
                She laughed remembering how this man killed her mother, taking advantage of the fact that she’s already in a coma. Isn’t it all because of him that she became paralyzed? After pushing her down the staircase he pretended that it was just a mere accident. What a clever man.
                “Do you think I’m stupid? I knew what you did back then…isn’t it you? You killed her!” she looked at his eyes. “You ended everything when you ended her life. What is it in me that you loathe so much? I’m not a threat to you, I never competed with you. You’re still not contented?”
                “Babo!” he held her face tight and stared at her. “I don’t care! You’re still father’s favorite. Even if I kill the old man now, you will be the one to replace him. The clan is still in favor of you.”
                She was scared when she heard his words. Venomous…he even wanted to bite the hands that fed him all these years!  She can’t even find the right words to say. Her jaw dropped and her knees shook in disbelief. Their father favored him in her eyes. Their father loved him in her eyes. She saw how high he was treated. Now he was telling her that their father loved her more?
                “Let her go.” He ordered.
                She fell to the ground still unmoving. She turned numb. Is it him that’s blind or her? Both of them believed that their father was nothing but an old man using them for a living.
                “Are you just going to stay there? Wake your boyfriend up…let’s play.”
                She looked up at him. “M—mworago?”
                She scrambled to get up and ran to Kangin. It was this game again. She doesn’t want the same thing to happen again, she won’t let it. She heard the clicking of his gun.
                “(Name)~yah…run, run now! Leave me!”
                She shook her head and hurriedly tried to remove the knot they used to tie him up. “Kangin~ssi, wake-up.” She started to shake him. “Don’t do this to me, wake-up!”
                Her brother threw a Swiss army knife at her. “I’m bored.”
                She looked at him hoping that her stares will burn him to death but nothing happened. She removed the roped tied on his wrists and slapped his face. “If you get killed I won’t be able to take it anymore! Wake-up babo! Please…”
                She may be selfish…thinking only about her own good while trying to wake him. But if he dies, it will be her fault for taking him with her. She doesn’t want to have that same guilt crowding in her mind for the next ten or so years. She sniffed away the tears that wanted to start and shook him to consciousness. His eyes fluttered and she dragged him the moment he looked at her.  He almost fell down but then he followed her.
                “Good job, now run!” Dae-hyun shouted firing just in front of them. “Run for your lives! If you managed to survive before (Name)~yah, just wait and see.”
                She dragged him out of the warehouse and right into the woods. He stirred a bit and pulled his arm away. “Why are we—”
                “He’ll kill you! I don’t want you to die…” she held his hand and pulled him. “We have to escape. Please trust me…”
                A single gunshot echoed in the silence of the night declaring the start of the hunt.
                They started to run in the endless forest, slipping and tumbling, searching for the way out. She looked out for his men, remembering how they succeeded to find her before. With her eyes and ears, she tried to find them before they can even find her and Kangin.
                Just as fast as the game began, a man behind them appeared. Gunshots started to rain upon them. He held her hand and she let him lead her, not forgetting about the directions he entered. She winced when she felt a bullet hit her thigh but did not say anything. She kept on running until she found it hard to breath, believing that when she let him take her she would be safe. No, they would be safe.
                She pulled him behind a tree when the coast was clear and stopped to rest. “Ah…” she moaned.
                “You’re bleeding!” he crouched down and attempted to help her.
                “No.” she pushed his hand away and pointed on a tree. “See that branch over there? That points towards the north. Keep moving northward. When you leave me, you’ll be safe…they won’t kill you after I’m done.”
                He stood up looking at her with disbelief in his eyes. How can she say such things? There was fear in her eyes, but as scared as she was, her determination wasn’t removed by the pain she was in. Survival, that’s what’s in her mind and he can see how much she wanted to live.  
“I won’t leave you.”
                She brushed a stray hair away from her face and smirked. “Why are you so stubborn? Just go,” she pushed him softly. She tried to hide the tears that wanted to form in her eyes. She’s going to die. She wanted to live and get to know the man before her more. She wanted to confirm her feelings for him. “I’ll die anyway. Even if I manage to survive with you, he’ll definitely find another way to kill me. For now, you must find your way out. And go home. Go back to Seoul. Run now, run!”
                She shouted so hard she got scared that someone might hear her. She wanted to laugh though, because she noticed how much the situation have changed. She was now in his shoes, wanting to save the life of someone special to her. And that person was Kangin.
                He sat on the ground and turned his back on her. “Ride on my back now.”
                “I said go.”
                “Now! Won’t you ever listen to me? When I’m with you, I feel useless. Can’t you at least do this for me?” he looked up to her. “If I leave you here and you died…I will feel bad that I didn’t die with you. I will feel bad that I haven’t told you things that I wanted to say. I will feel bad that things didn’t turn out the way I wanted them to be.”
                Those words that came out from his mouth were the exact same words that she wanted to say. She saw her face in the face of this person in front of her, looking desperate to take her with him. She wanted to hold his hand and go on with him, but she’s nothing but a burden. Then she remembered the man she cherished the most. She wanted to take him as well. When he died, she wanted to die with him as well. She wanted to say things that she never said…but it was too late.
                He grabbed her arms and carried her on his back without any other words. She realized that tears have started to fall from her eyes and she leaned her head on his shoulder when she cannot stop them.
Kangin~ssi, do you really want to die? Why won’t you believe me? I want you to live for me. I want you to be back to the place where you really belong. Not here…
“(Name)~ssi,” he whispered. “I can see the way out. We’re going to survive together, I told you.”
She opened her eyes and saw that he was saying the truth. They won the game.
                But then, he stopped running. She felt his heartbeat through his neck. She lifted her head…there was a gun aimed directly on his head. This is it? They’re done.
                “You really thought you can escape me?” Dae-Hyun chuckled in disgust, seeing how the two of them almost escaped his grasp.
                A gunshot broke into the silence of the night. She closed her eyes.
I’m sleepy…she said to herself.
And at once, she drifted off onto a dreamless sleep. There was nothing but pure darkness, nothing but the cold air hitting her already frozen skin. She smiled when she felt herself falling on the snow covered floor. Ah, finally…maybe she can meet the man she loved once more.
“(Name)~yah…(name)~yah…” she heard his voice calling her name. Then she must be already dead.
                She opened her eyes and saw his worried face. “What are you doing here?”
                She looked at him, questioning him with her eyes. He held her face and as he shook his head. “You’re not supposed to be here. Not yet…you should go back.”           
                Another voice called her, a voice she doesn’t recognize in this tone. She closed her eyes and in an instant, something much stronger than a whirlwind pulled her down.
                “(Name)~yah, please open your eyes…”
                And she did meeting his own. The worry in his face disappeared the moment he saw her. He ran on to her side and pulled her into a tight embrace. Her aunt entered the room as well.
                “(Name)~yah…” her father cried. “You’re alive, mianhae…cheongmal mianhae…”
                She just looked at him; she doesn’t expect to see this man. “Kangin~ssi…” she whispered softly.
                She can still feel his presence warm inside her heart. Thank heavens I’m alive…she was confused. Her body ached, a sign that what happened was not a dream. She doesn’t think it was a dream though, it’s a nightmare that haunted. But her heart, even if she’s glad, feels bothered by the fact that she hasn’t seen the man she was longing to see. Kangin~ssi…
                “He’s still sleeping…” said her aunt as she walked to her side slowly. “Your brother’s…Dae-hyunie…”
                Her aunt held her hand close to her heart. “He’s dead. Salgu killed him when he was about to kill the two of you. Good thing he came just in time to save you…”
                “Mainhaeyo, (name)~yah…” her father looked at her with eyes like crystals shining under the sunlight. The marks of tears still visible on his cheeks; she wasn’t sure if it’s because of fear to lose her or because of the death of his only son. “I don’t want to lose you like your mom…so I tried to put you away…but Dae-hyun…he knew it very much. I’m sorry…”
                For a while, she felt that he was her father after all. She touched his hand as she tried to sit on a bed she never knew and saw how old he was. Her father must be tired. Then, she must take her responsibility as his only child.
His eyes opened as those warm lips touched his cheek. “You’re awake…”
                He opened his eyes and met the eyes of an old man. It was just an imagination, why would he kiss him?
                “Thank you for saving my daughter,” he said before handing him an envelope. “It’s a plane ticket to Seoul, last flight tonight. You should take more rest, if you’re hungry just go downstairs.”
                The old man stood up and patted his shoulder.
                Last flight tonight; he remembered that. Then does it mean that he will be leaving? How ironic. He wanted to survive last night’s game to stay with her forever…He remembered the way she called out for a name he doesn’t know while she was unconscious, holding on to his hand, saying words of love…he wanted to hear that but not that way.
                A sigh escaped him as he sat slowly on a chair beside the window. He leaned forward and watched the peaceful movements of snow-covered trees. This is not the Jeju Island he knew…it was Jeju in its darkest part. There was pang inside his heart.
                He heard the gunshot again in his mind as it hit the man beside him. His eyes were closed that time, thinking he may be dying anytime soon…He opened his eyes reaching for his bag, taking the phone out and placing its battery back. He must call home now.
                He dialed the number of his father before placing it on his ear. The familiar tone he used to hear played followed by his father’s voice. “Youngwoon~ah, where have you been? You weren’t answering your phone, I’m so worried.”
                “Mianhae ahbeoji…” he said softly he almost didn’t hear the words that escaped his mouth. “I’m going home tonight, please don’t worry anymore.”
She clasped her mouth to stop herself from crying. She leaned on the closed door of the room and listened as he talked to his father. She touched her lips…she could’ve kissed him if her father did not enter the room; she could’ve said things she would regret…
     I’m going home…
                Home was never here…she thought. Beside her, there would be no home for him. When he entered her life, she found her home but he doesn’t belong here. Taking him won’t be the right thing to do. Ah, so this is how it feels like to part again. She never had such feelings since the only man she ever loved left this world. She listened to the way her heart beats; it was just like that day, only…it hurts even more this time.
                The feeling of being left alone wasn’t new. It’s something she felt almost everyday. She doesn’t have anyone to call as her friend, she trusted only a few people. But why in this world did she ever allow herself to be close to a man who would have no other choice but to leave her?
                “I will take your place,” she said to her father earlier. “You’re too old now…you should rest.”
                It was the first time she saw her father tired. He suddenly looked too old in her eyes, the gray hair he has seemed to be whiter now. And even if her brother was the one who wanted to kill her, they still need to give him respect. She cannot just let his body rot inside that forest. And as for his men, they’re gone for good.
                “Ne, ahbeoji,” she heard him say. “Saranghaeyo.”
                She knocked on his door before opening it slowly. “Kangin~ssi.”
                He looked at her, a smile visible on his lips. She saw Kangin, Super Junior’s Kangin, before her. His eyes smiled as well.
                “I was about to go downstairs you don’t have to strain yourself.” He stood up slowly and she felt sorry for him. “You don’t have to say sorry. It’s okay.”
                “Ummm…” He played with his phone not meeting her eyes. “(Name)—(name)~yah.”
                “Since when did you start calling me that?”
                He chuckled and faced her. “I want to call you that, before I leave. I want to say all the things I wanted to say.” He walked towards her and took her hands. “I know that you don’t want me to go, I can feel it. I’m not numb.”
                He hugged her tight. “Thank you for…letting me know you. But before I go, please let me tell you one important thing.” He held her face between his palms. “Saranghaeyo (name)~yah…”
                With those words, she felt the burden in her heart go. She even heard his voice saying goodbye to her, taking all his memories in heaven. She loved Kangin; or Youngwoon whoever he is. She cannot help but smile even if the tears started to form in her eyes. She knew how to love again right? For once, being herself, she whispered. “I’m sorry for letting you go… Thank you.”
Kangin bowed his head as he was being scolded by his manager. Still he felt nothing about it. He just got rejected, for Pete’s sake. I’m sorry for letting you go…Thank you; it wasn’t even the reaction he expected. He wanted her to cry and tell him she loved him as well but she didn’t do anything like that. She just thanked him and he never saw her again. He sighed, not really listening.  
                A few minutes later, he was sitting on his bed unpacking his things.
                “Hyung,” Ryeowook peeked his head inside the slightly opened door. “Can I…come in?”
                He nodded absent-mindedly not really minding the company Ryeowook offered. He just sat there quietly watching him anyway so he doesn’t really care. He was still taking out his clothes when he offered help. He just let him do whatever he wants; he wasn’t upset he just doesn’t know what to feel at that exact moment. Maybe it was the effect of his travel? He sighed unconsciously.
                “Oh, hyung, what’s this?” Ryeowook called while he was hanging his clothes.
                 He saw him picking something small on the floor. “What’s that?”
                “It fell from your pocket,” he held a coin.
                A smile formed his lips as he took it from his hand. He thanked Ryeowook and continued to unpack his things. Maybe it’s true…this coin brings luck because he was able to go home alive. Too bad it wasn’t in his pocket when he said goodbye…if so, she would have said that she love him too.
He silently laughed at himself as he watched the others tease Yesung. A proposal by a girl in that way? She’s really something.
                “I went there for a vacation and to rest. I denied it because I was ashamed for people to see me.”
                It stirred people’s curiosity. “Why would you be ashamed? Is it because of the burns you had?”
                He laughed it off and shook his head real hard. The other members were laughing as well to lighten up the atmosphere of the interview.
                “He looked like a goon.” Kyuhyun interrupted. “His mustache and beard were all over his face, he’s ashamed that the fans might get scared.”
                He didn’t mind if their maknae was making fun of him. If it was a different situation, he would’ve gotten offended. But it was nothing…
                ‘Cause deep inside him, he wanted something that he will not have, something much more than fame. Something called love.
                His mind flew back to Jejudo. How is she now? He kept thinking. He hoped that she’s fine. Or better yet, he hoped that she already stopped being a part of the black market.
                “Kangin~ah,” their manager called him, holding a carved watermelon in his hand together with a piece of envelope. “Somebody got this delivered. I refused because it’s already opened but she said it’s okay even if you don’t eat. She just wanted to give you this letter. She said if I said shoobak you’ll take it?”
                He stood up. “Hyung, where is she?” he half-shouted because of the fast beating of his heart.
                She’s in Seoul? Why?
                His manager eyed him suspiciously. “Don’t tell me you’ll get married as well?!”
                “Hyung! I’m not kidding, this is important! Where is she?” he took the envelope from his hand and a slice of watermelon.
                “How am I supposed to know? Babo. She left already after giving this.”
                He sighed scratching his head irritably. It would be senseless to follow her. She’s as fast as lightning. He sat. “Let them eat, it’s safe. If you don’t want I’m gonna eat it all.”
                He tore open the envelope, not even minding how the other boys literally fought over the watermelon she brought.
                Kangin~ssi, Kangin~oppa,
                He smiled seeing her not so perfect hand-writing and munched the fruit he was holding.
                How long has it been? Ah, I forgot how long it was since you went back to Seoul. For me, it was eternity. Haha. Aish, this is really awkward I don’t know how to write a letter. I’ve been good, you too right? You look chubbier than when you were You look healthier now. I watched your interview. I was a bit disappointed because you didn’t mention me though >.< But that’s not the reason why I wrote a letter to you.
                You see, I’m now living in Seoul but just for a while. I’ll be back in Jeju. Father decided that it’s better to stop doing bad things already. Now, I’m a normal city girl with a name! I’m not Shoobak anymore, call me (Name)~yah. I loved it when you called me that.
                Kangin~ssi…I’ll call you Kangin oppa. It’s okay because I’m your fan right? I’m sorry because I wasn’t the right woman for you. Not now...and not never. I’m a bad woman. But…I want you to know that I loved you too. I didn’t tell it to you because I don’t feel like I’m worth it…mianhae…
                But please always remember that somewhere in Jeju, there’s a woman who loved loves you.
                 “She loved me…” he whispered tears forming in his eyes. He looked down when he felt the familiar tightening of his throat.
                Oppa, when I see you again and we still love each other you still love me, please tell me…because no matter what. I’ll always love you.
She wiped away her tears and walked away slowly, seeing him read her letter was more than enough.
“Kamsahamnida,” she bowed at his manager. “I’m sorry for forcing myself. I won’t do this again.”
He nodded and let go of her. He didn’t let go of her arm since she forced her way in. She’s quite strong and witty.
“I don’t care if you tie my hands I just want to see him. He knows me, but I don’t want him to see me. If he does, he’ll leave again.”
He trusted her and he doesn’t know why. But after seeing the cuts on her fingers, he believed her. Who would give an effort to carve a watermelon when it wouldn’t be eaten? He watched her leave still wiping her tears.
He walked back and saw Kangin in the same situation as the girl who just left. “What’s wrong with you?” he patted his shoulder.
He looked up at him and smiled. “She loved me, that girl that I told you.” He scratched his head. “It’s okay, she’s going to wait. I’ll meet her soon.”
With that he joined the other boys in fighting over the carved watermelon. “Yah, hyung…you know what? This watermelon’s skin is really hard, but it’s soft inside. Just like her.”
Kangin smiled and took a bite of his own slice of watermelon. If she wasn’t the right woman for him, nobody would be. They’re just too perfect.
A/N: It didn't turn out the way I wanted it to be. I'm getting rusty...ayyy...I hope you'll still support me! Thank you for those who re still sticking with me up to now^^  
슈퍼 주니어 and 엘프 화이팅!!

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