She was not able to see Hankyung leave. She didn’t even have the chance to be there when he left. A sigh escaped her lungs…it’s sad without him.
When (Heechul’s girlfriend’s name)~ssi died, she was operated as soon as the eyes came. She was really grateful to her and her sister who took care of her. She was thankful to Heechul who was there to wait if the operation was successful. But at the same time, she was greatly saddened that a wonderful person left this world.
Heechul was really sad, but he always smiles. She can’t see it yet then because of the bandage around her eyes, but she can feel his kindness.
“Noona,” JoonHee entered her room.
She just came home after the bandage was removed and JoonHee was the first person she saw. She wouldn’t open her eyes unless he was there, and she did not regret it.
Now she knows why every girl they met envies her. Her brother was such a beautiful person. They look somewhat alike, but he has their father’s eyes. Her father was also stunning, and he was already accepted by JoonHee. That made her really happy.
She looked at him. He was carrying something behind his back. “What’s that?”
When he revealed them, she was surprised. It was a complete set of Super Junior’s album. “Heechul hyung asked me to give them to you. And he also gave me a picture of Hankyung hyung.”
“Please keep Hankyung~ssi’s picture JoonHee…”
He knows why. She wouldn’t look at it. She wants to see him in person. That’s why she wouldn’t even want to see any poster, interview, or even their album with his picture on it. She listens but she would never look.
“I understand.”
She already met all of the other members. They were all good-looking and have different personalities that complement each other. She met Shindong’s wife who was really cute and funny just like him. And she already met Heechul who can’t seem to take his eyes off her own.
“I can see her in your eyes; that makes me really happy.” That’s what he always says.
She received lots of books from her friends and colleagues, most are for writing and reading. It’s not that she doesn’t know how; but she was still touched. Hankyung wrote to her many times and she was surprised that he learned Braille, he learned it for her.
Waiting for the day, she hopes to see him well. Did he finally face his fear? She smiled to herself; she’s going to meet him soon.
When he rode the plane back to Beijing four months ago…he thought his heart would explode. Finally, he faced his fears. If he would look back, he thought he was going to die then for real. Not because of plane crash but because of heart attack, if not, because of insanity. But now, he finds it amusing how he was. He was funny.
The moment the plane landed in Beijing, he went straight home and was thankful to his fans for letting him pass without any delays. They were really matured and he was proud of them. He also had an arrangement to meet a doctor, and he finally had the courage to tell his members about what was happening to him. They were deeply worried but understood him for hiding his feelings. Heechul offered to look after (name)~ssi while he was gone.
Now, he was well and better. But he still cannot meet (name)~ssi because of a schedule.
“Oh hyung?” he answered his phone. He was at the airport and on his way to the parking lot when their manager called. “Yes, hyung. I will be there in thirty minutes.”
It’s been a while since they were complete. This will be the first time they will go out together after the accident. His burns, though they left a few marks, weren’t that visible anymore.
All of them were happy and the waiting room was noisy again. Just like before.
“Hyung!” Eunhyuk who was still in crutches welcome him. “Welcome home!”
It really felt like home to him. Seeing everyone again made his heart feel contented. Knowing that they are all safe makes him glad. All were very excited to see each other. Even the staffs were very glad to see them complete. Even if they were noisy, some were quiet. Heechul and Leeteuk were talking seriously on one side of the room. He himself was thinking on what to say. They were informed that they will be asked on what happened for the past few months and he didn’t know what to say.
“Hankyung~ssi, get ready.” Their manager said to him.
“Yes, hyung.”
They gathered together and formed a very big circle, all thirteen of them. Now that they’re back together, nothing can separate them again.
“Hana, Duhl, Seht!” Leeteuk shouted.
“Super Junior, FIGHTING!!”
A few minutes break was initiated after Heechul got emotional. Even the crowd was startled by his sudden burst of emotion.
“Are you okay?” he gave him more napkins to wipe his tears.
“Oh, I can’t believe it. Do I look ugly?” He keeps looking at the mirror while their make-up artist retouched his make-up. “I don’t look terrible, right?”
They all know that he’s just trying to be funny. Talking about someone who’s gone can be really hurtful. He’s really stubborn.
“You don’t look ugly. But your make-up faded off really bad. And the fact that you were crying made your face and eyes look puffy. You must look funny on screen.”
“Aish~” he cursed him. “You little…”
He chuckled. He hasn’t changed that one thing about him. He still doesn’t know how to stop his mouth. But that’s what they all like about Heechul.
“Hankyung,” he looked at him. “Have you seen (name)~ssi yet?”
He shook his head. “But I heard that the operation was successful. You took care of her well haven’t you? If you didn’t I will kill you.”
The brake ended and instantly, he was the one being asked. The crowd settled and Heechul already have a smile on his pretty face.
“I’m sorry for crying too much,” he apologized but the crowd understood.
“That’s okay, Heechul~ssi...we understand.” The female MC stated.
“How about you Hankyung~ssi? What happened to you during the past six months?” the MC started. “We all know that you went back to China to rest for a while, and we have seen you on some shows last month. But what happened before all the appearances you’ve done?”
“Oh, what happened to me was not as emotional as Heechul~ssi’s experience. But I have met a very special friend.”
The crowd made a noise. “Is your special friend a girl?” the MC asked.
“Yes.” He said. “She was someone who helped me when I was still in shock.”
“What do you mean?”
He looked at Heechul who knows everything and he already have this silly grin on his face. As if he was going to say that he was going out with her. He warned him with his eyes.
“Before I went back to Beijing, I was really traumatized and I cannot even look at a plane…”
He narrated his experiences with (name)~ssi, excluding the day he met her and the days when they go out on casual dates. He even gave her a video message and thanked her for her help.
The show continued and ended smoothly with all of them answering random questions.
“Hyung,” he said to their manager when the show ended. “Can I go out for a while?”
“Oh? I’m sorry but you guys still have a lot of activities. You’re supposed to go to Namsan tonight. Do you have to do something important? You have told me on phone yesterday.”
“Is—is that so?...I understand. Don’t worry hyung…it can wait.”
“SeonRi,” she answered the phone.
She was walking to train station from her work. Now that she can see, JoonHee doesn’t need to fetch her anymore. Though he insists, she wants to try it on her own.
“What? Namsan? Why?”
“Stay where you are, I’ll just fetch you okay?”
“Wait, I need to go home. Appa will go home and there’s no dinner yet.”
“Silly girl, JoonHee already went to your father. They will eat out. Let’s have dinner first and I will show you something okay?”
Even if she wanted to complain, what can she do? It was SeonRi. And knowing him for a very long time, she knows how persistent he can be at this type of situations. And he’s really good at making other people agree with him. As if he lets them have a choice…not like him. He was a child trapped in a big man’s body. Very stubborn.
She sat by the waiting shed, still admiring the beautiful night lights that play with her eyes. They say that she can only see beautiful things, loving everything with those two stunningly beautiful eyes. It was a gift given to her by a very ravishing person. She was very beautiful, both inside and out. And she was regretful losing her before they knew each other more.
The warm breeze touched her skin, declaring the start of the summer season. Soon, the autumn will come…her most awaited time of the year. She breathed in and let the air fill her lungs…the smell of the city filled her…the street foods, the river.
The honking of a car stopped her thoughts; she opened her eyes and smiled at the sight of her bestfriend. She was glad seeing him. When she first saw him, she admired his looks. But more than that, SeonRi was indeed a good person.
“Did you wait long? I drove faster than usual.” He opened the car door for her and led her in. “I will show you a wonderful sight. I know that you’ve already went to Namsan before, but this time you should see what it looks like.”
“Take the lead…” she looked outside the window and let the playful lights of the city amuse her. “You bet it’s beautiful?”
“More than you can ever imagine.” He started the car’s engine. “To Namsan tower! Let’s go!”
She was really full after eating all the delicious foods served to them. She went outside and felt the wind touch her skin. She was looking around and waited for SeonRi who went to the washroom. Everyone around her seems friendly so a smile or two won’t hurt.
Across the street there was a man staring at her, she wondered where she has seen him before…but maybe he was just another stranger. When he smiled, her heart made a double flip. That was weird. He doesn’t look Korean to her. SeonRi said that foreigners are really friendly and they always smile at you. As a courtesy, she bowed to him and smiled back.
“Let’s go?”
She looked beside her where SeonRi suddenly appeared. “Okay.”
He held her shoulder and they crossed the street, passing the stranger who made her heart beat fast. She doesn’t know who he was, but maybe…if they met each other again…
He was startled. Was that man…her boyfriend? He didn’t know that. Nobody told him that.
He saw his world crush before him and he lost his life. Did he come back home for nothing? She didn’t even give any sign of recognition. Just her smile…that same smile that changed his entire life.
His phone vibrated inside his pocket. Willing him to answer it, “Hyung, where are you? We’re going to start.”
“I’m coming.”
He was emitting negative energy when he reached the backstage making the other members worry. He wouldn’t talk even if they asked him and they all know that fact. Only one person would not make him quiet.
“What happened hyung?” it was Siwon. “Is something wrong?”
Kangin groaned in protest. “You better stop him. He’s going to start it again.”
Kibum pulled Siwon away from him. He’s usually like this when he saw anyone bothered. The other members just patted his back but he knows that these people were vultures of a different kind. When he starts to talk, these people will keep the words he will say and use them against him on variety shows so he must not speak. Leeteuk, Kangin, Heechul and Kyuhyun.
“Are you ready?”
“Oh, (name)~ssi is here!” Yesung announced when they saw her.
“Annyeong Haseyo…” she greeted all of them.
They invited her over for dinner. There were other girls as well. She bet that they were the other members’ company. The parents were there as well. Most of which, she already met before.
“Oh, you looked prettier than when we last saw you.” Yesung’s mother pinched her face. She was really nice to her; she even cooked for her once when the members went to the hospital. “Did you like the food I made for you?”
“Yes, ohmoni…thank you very much for taking care of me…”
All the people gathered together that night were her friends. These people were extremely good to her; they treated her with love and respect. Never once have they been rude to her.
Looking around she was happy to see all of them together again. Only one person was missing. She heard that he was back, but he hasn’t contacted her yet. It makes her sad thinking that he might have forgotten her. But that would be impossible.
When he was still in China, he regularly writes to her. He calls whenever he has time. But the letters and calls stopped coming since last month. It worried her, the thought of him forgetting her.
No, that’s not it. She said to herself.
“I’m here.”
When the door behind her opened, she looked back and was surprised to see the same stranger she saw in Namsan two days ago. Looking at him closer, he was much taller than he looks from afar, and much more handsome. It was Hankyung.
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