Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Island Part 2: Into the City

Her heart stopped. A smile formed on his lips when those metal doors opened. She hesitated…there were still a lot of floors…how long can she take it? Staying inside a box with a man that was very familiar…yet in a snap…became a stranger…
                She tried to return his smile. She gave him a bow and entered the elevator. It was already past three in the morning; still…she cannot sleep because she kept on thinking about him. Seeing him like this…it hurts so much.
                “(Name)~ssi,” he whispered.
                She looked up at him. The elevator seemed to move slower than it was supposed to do…
                “That was your name right?” his smile looked bright even if his eyes looked tired. “Do you live hear?”
                She nodded, lifting a side of her lips. Don’t talk to me…she wanted to say. Still, he kept on asking her questions. All she wanted to do was to escape and run away.
                When the elevator reached the ground floor, she bowed at him and went off first.
                “Ah, jeogiyo…” he called out. “Do you mind if I ask where you are going?”
                “I’m…” she hesitated.”I’ll just buy something.”
                He walked alongside her. “I can take you there.”
                Stop being nice to me…still she agreed. Maybe if this was the only way she could get a step closer to him…then…it will be fine…
Three more weeks went by like a speed of light. It was so fast she almost forgot her reasons for staying there. Her main reason was a man who abandoned her. Though they never broke up…forgetting the memories they had together means forgetting about her. It’s how he left her. He stepped outside her life as fast as he went. It left a great storm in her life.
                She never saw him again. Besides the news, she never wanted to look for him again. They announced it too…that Sora and him were engaged. He must be really happy…because E.L.F. accepted it. Was it because they already knew Sora? Many favored them even before…so knowing it now doesn’t change a thing. It should have been her standing there beside him…
                She prepared herself in front of the mirror. That night, there will be a sogaeting. Ever since her halmeoni came to Seoul and heard about Leeteuk’s memory, she always wanted to make her forget as well. It wasn’t the first time tonight…she went to many in a week’s time. It was probably the fifth time now.
                “You look beautiful no matter what nae aegiya (my baby)…” her harabeoji kissed her forehead. “I hope you will find love tonight, even if it’s hard.”
                She forced a smile. They were sadder than her. She acts like she didn’t care anymore but in the end they still know what she feels. There was no use in pretending…
                She entered the glass door of the restaurant and was greeted by a fine young man. Older than her, he was already a successful business man with a photography studio of his own. He was nice and kind too. They talked about a lot of things that she realized she had always liked. They have the same interests and for the first time, she found herself really smiling and laughing.
                “Tomorrow, if you are free, you might want to go to my studio. I heard from your grandfather that you really like to take pictures. If you want, I can teach you some more.”
                “Chinchayo?” she clapped her hands in delight. It wasn’t a fake reaction either. Everything she did that night was real… “Komawoyo Il-Deung~ssi.”
                He brought her home that night, too. He was the perfect gentleman. But everytime he smiles, he reminds her of Jung Su, because of his eyes. He makes the same expression whenever he smiles at her. He turned and went back to his car.
                “(Name)~ssi,” Il-Deung ran back to her side. “Please forgive me if this is too sudden.”
                In a split second, she found herself being kissed by a man she just met. A kiss for her…was as important as love. Kissing her…maybe he really liked her.
                When he waved his hand while he drove his car away, she was still touching her lips. Her heart fluttered. Her cheeks felt really hot as she walked towards the elevator. Maybe she can forget him too. There’s a chance…if ever she falls in love, she will forget Jung Su and move on. She still has a lot of time.
“You are doing great.”
                “I know right?” she stuck her tongue out.
                He became her boyfriend. No…her fiancé. She never realized that she can love another man…
                Il-Deung wrapped his arms around her as they looked at the photos she took on his camera. She was laughing again. Everytime they stood close like that, it makes her heart jump.
                “Yah, yah, don’t move around. Let’s take a photo together.”  He turned the camera towards them and she raised her hand to form a V-sign.
                The bell of the shop tinkled but they never minded. They were in their own world while his staff welcomed their client.
                Raina, his friend and colleague came inside the room and called him. “They came. Yah, yah! You should start working now.” She teased them.
                She was close to his friends too because after she quitted her job in the café, she spent most of her free time there after school. She started studying again to take up arts. She decided to stop because being near the station only bothered her; especially now that she entered a relationship. But Jin remained as her friend.
                She laughed and playfully hit her shoulder.”Eonnie!”
                She followed Il-Deung outside. Besides being his girlfriend, she also acts as his assistant when she’s free. But out there was a scene that made her heart stop.
                “Oppa, it’s been a long time isn’t it?”
                “Really? Waaahhhh,” Il-Deung patted her head. “You will even get married before me. How about a double wedding? I’ll introduce her to you.”
                He turned around and saw her standing by the doorway of his office, just watching them. She clenched the doorway…this can’t be happening to her.
                “Why are you frozen there?” He smiled and took her hand. “They’re my friends from way back then so don’t get nervous. They’re nice people.”
                No. She almost said. He must have noticed that her hands turned cold because he held it tighter.
                “Here, this is (Name), my fiancée.” He wrapped his arms around her shoulder. “This is Sora, Jung Su and his members, Kangin and Donghae. You must be familiar with them right?”
                She nodded hesitantly. “Ah…ne. I’m actually a fan so…”
                She looked up and met his eyes.
                What are you thinking?  She wanted to say. Was that pain in your eyes? Do you recognize me? Tell me.
                “I remember you!” Jung Su suddenly said.
                Her heart jumped. Remember me…
                Sora clapped her hands. “Right, that girl from the café. It’s nice to see you again.”
                “I was just going to say that.” He laughed.
                Stop laughing. She wanted to run away and cry. How can he do this? His heart doesn’t even recognize her anymore…
                She pressed hard on Il-Deung’s hand without realizing. “Why?”
                She looked up. “I remembered…I still need to buy a new palette. I emptied my blue paint last night so I need to buy another one. Mianhae…”
                He smiled. Always so understanding… She bowed her head and hurriedly took her things. She cannot stay or else she will be confused. She covered her mouth…why does it still ache? Her heart felt empty all of a sudden when she always felt full in the past month. It was all because of that man.
                “(Name)~ssi! (Name)~ssi! Jamshimanyo!”
                She turned around and saw Jung Su running after her. She stopped. Is he following her now?
                “W—why are you…”
                He took her hand and took her away.
Where will you take me?
                She followed him…not minding how far it will take; his warm hand finally holding onto her. Why?
His heart clenched when he saw her. Why does she always appear when he thought everything was okay? Just like then…
                “Oh, she left her wallet.”
                He stood beside Il-Deung. “If you want I can take it. I also forgot something in my car so…”
                He didn’t know why he followed her. By that, he also didn’t know why he took her hand and pulled her away. Was it the tears in her eyes? Why is she crying? Still because of him?
                Kangin must have noticed how he shook. He cannot control his knees when he saw her. He thought it was not her earlier when they first peeked inside the studio. He thought it was someone else who looked like her. In fact, seeing her there was almost impossible.
                “Waahh, they’re sweet. I thought he was just kidding when he called me. “ he remembered Sora said.
                They were close. And he invited them to the studio so that he can take pre-nuptial photos as a gift to them. Why was he her fiancé?
                She pulled her arm. “Let me go.”
                They stopped running. They stood face to face on an empty street. She was shaking…and crying…there was pain visible in her innocent eyes that never once lied to him. Those eyes betrayed her words…
                “You are crying…why?”
                He wanted to cry as well. It was hard pretending that he doesn’t know her when she was once heris world. And seeing her like this pained him more than knowing that she was engaged, too. She was clenching her hand into tiny fists and trying to take her eyes away from him.
                “Nappeun nom (bastard/bad guy)…” she whispered. “What are you trying to pull off? How long are you going to forget me…”
                She was still whispering…not looking at him but instead, she was looking somewhere. Out of nothing, he suddenly grabbed her into his arms. He wanted to hold her this way for so long. There will be no excuses…He will not know what to do. But for the mean time, all he wanted to do was to feel her again. That warmth that lingered in his dreams…the feeling of her. If it means the world to be sacrificed for that single moment…then the world will be gone.
                “(Name)~yah, I hurt you so much…”
                If this was a sin he committed, then he will probably burn to ashes. Holding on to that feeling was like letting the darkness of the future eat him. All he has to do was to close his eyes and pretend again…just like always… 
After battling out like this:
                “Less description, more script!”
                “I want to explain everything!”
                We ended up with this… hahaha. (I won? But I guess I'll try to do script more next time...mianhae Minnie~yah...) Thank you for waiting. We will try to work harder together in the future. 
            This is the consequence of working together…it seems like it was harder…ne, Minnie~yah? ^-^

Thursday, March 22, 2012

EPISODE 6: “Leeteuk’s Story – The Island Part 2: Into The City”

Why did it turn out this way?
I believed in you and waited… hoping that you will return but…
She bowed down on her knees and waited. Her halmeoni gave her a nod but she didn’t move nor speak. No, this is just too much. Thoughts of her being in a big city filled her head. Those bright night lights blinded her eyes. She looked up to her again.
Three months already passed since the last letter arrived at her doorstep. She never gave up on waiting…never failed to lose hope of him coming back in her arms.
She always told herself that maybe he was just too busy with his work. They already started to do their promotions and they are planning on doing another world tour in a couple of months. And because of their accident, the fans were more concerned on what they will do next. She can wait; they still have a lot of time.
“Your grandfather will be waiting for you.” She waved the ticket she was holding. “Take it…don’t worry too much.”
She hesitated. What will be waiting for her in Seoul? It is a very big place, and even if they live in the same city, how big is her chances of seeing him at this point in time.
Her halmeoni placed a hand over her shoulder. “(Name)~yah, everyone will take care of me while you’re not around so be happy. Follow you heart…”
In the end she was there, walking slowly, with a bag over her shoulders. Her harabeoji ran towards her as soon as their eyes met. He was her halmeoni’s younger brother. She never saw him. Or if she did, she can’t remember. He gave her a warm hug, and for a while she was stunned. Nobody else hugged her. No relative did.
“You’ve gotten this big? I only knew you through your pictures. Noona told me that you were a smart kid.” He patted her head. “I’m sorry if I wasn’t around to help you, but now, I will be with the two of you.”
He was years younger than her halmeoni and he was stronger. But what she loves the most about this person was that she can see her halmeoni’s eyes. Those kind eyes were always there from the day that she was born.
“Cha, kaja? I still have a lot of catching up to do.”
                She greeted the female customer with a smile as she took her order. In a few minutes, her first day at work will end. It was something that she insisted. Even though her harabeoji wanted her to stay at home, she pleaded to him.
                The café where she was working was a blessing to her. It was found on a tiny corner near a famous station in Korea. Many celebrities entered there since it opened at earlier. She can’t hide her excitement. Though, she hasn’t seen him yet…
                “Kamsahamnida,” she said as she bowed to thank the woman. She can’t help but notice how familiar she was to her.
                “So, I heard that you are preparing for your next Super Show. What countries are you planning to visit this year?”
                The voice from the radio caught her attention but her gaze continued to follow that woman. She remembers her. That beautiful smile…
                “Yah, what are you looking at?”
                She almost jumped out of her skin when Jin, her partner, patted her shoulder.
                “Oppa!” she covered her mouth before anyone else noticed how loud she was. “Oppa, you scared me!”
                Even though they only met that day, they instantly got along really well. He was her senior at work and he’s also older by two years.
                “Island girl, see that woman over there?” He pointed at the woman she was looking at. “She’s our boss’s friend, she’s also a celebrity. Her name’s Kang Sora. I bet you don’t know her because you don’t have a television don’t you?”
                She poked his shoulder. “I know her.” She lied.
                So that’s why she looks so familiar. Even though it’s been years since then, she can still remember how she felt when she first knew about Leeteuk joining We Got Married. The jealousy…
                “More than that (name)~ssi, don’t you think we should get going? Our shift just ended. Do you want to have some early dinner before we go to the club?”
                “Are you going to treat me?”
                Jin offered her a part time job in a club. It was only a few minutes ride from there to her home so it’s good. And since she doesn’t really have much to do, she took the offer. It can also help her earn a lot for school. She wanted to study again.
                “I’ll go first,” she heard Sora said as she walked past the people who greeted her.
                She wondered how it was like to be as famous as her.
“Ah, jamshimanyo (name)~ssi…you go ahead. I’ll just get my phone. I forgot it in my locker.” Jin said.
                It was a shock that they finished their food really fast. It was as if they didn’t even chew. He said that it would be better if she gets to meet a few people at the club before starting to work so they hurried. And since it’s a club, she needs to have a few advices from her co-workers.  There wasn’t really a single club in that island for her to even know what it was like. She heard about it but never been inside one.
                She walked slowly, feeling the early night’s air. City was bigger than what she thought it would be. The lights that glimmer, the sound of cars running here and there, lots of people who didn’t even bother to know everyone…it was just so foreign to her.
                She turned around and saw her again. She spilled her coffee on her beautiful dress.
                “Jeogiyo, do you need help?” she walked closer to her while taking out a pack of tissue paper. “Here, take this.”
                She looked up and gave her a bright smile. “Kamsahamnida.”
                “Ahm…by any chance, do you remember me? I was the one who served your coffee at the café down the street.” She hoped that she did.
                She was really beautiful…no wonder Leeteuk liked her. The innocent face…yet she has a very strong personality. In a way, she envied this person for being close to the man she loves. She can say that she was much closer to him…they spent a very long time together as a married couple. But here she was, hoping to meet the guy she knew for only a month or so…
                She looked at her again. “Of course! You were?”
                “(Name) imnida…”
                “Jin, usually serves me so—"
                “Sora~yah, who are you talking to?”
                Her heart skipped a beat when she heard his voice. It has been so long since then…but her heart knows that voice.
                Sora walked past her towards the man behind her. “Oppa, you already finished the radio show? Where are the others?”
                She played with her fingers while her heart hammered against her chest. It was breathtaking….at last…she will finally meet him.
                “Customer~nim! Annyeong haseyo!” Jin suddenly came out of nowhere and greeted them. “Hyung, you don’t visit our shop anymore? Are you busy?”
                “Ah, ne. We’ve been doing our promotions. The others were still upstairs. They might be here soon. Anyway, who is that girl?”
                “This?” Jin placed a hand on her head. She still wasn’t moving. “Yah, island girl, they’re asking you. It’s a hallyu star. Hallyu!”
                Slowly, she turned around.
                What shall I say? What shall I do? she whispered to herself. What will his reaction be?
                She bowed her head. “Annyeonghaseyo…(name) imnida…”
                When she looked up to meet his eyes, he was intently looking at her. Will he ask me why I am here? Will he smile and introduce me to them? Oppa…I am here now.
                But to her disappointment… “She looks familiar to me…have we met before?”
                She was stunned…she felt her feet froze into the ground. Her knees almost wanted to buckle up. What?
                “I don’t think you met her before hyung, she just came to Seoul. Right (Name)~ssi?”
                She opened her mouth to speak but she failed miserably. “A—ah ne…I…I came to study here. I…hope we can see you at our shop often. Please visit us some time.”
                She cannot hide her disbelief. He said he wouldn’t forget…but how come…?
                “Oppa, let’s go first. We still have a lot to do.” Sora held his hand firmly. “We will meet again soon.”
                What is this? Why are you holding her hand so tightly? She wanted to say…but her lips wouldn’t move. Instead she painted on a smile and bowed at them. They also returned a bow.
                She placed a hand on her chest and felt her heart beat stop…she cannot help but feel how her heart sank. It was as if it fell right into a whole where no one could take it back. She forgot how to breathe as she watched the two of them enter that white car. They looked so happy. He can even smile at her…
                “(Name)~ssi, let’s go. We still have a work to do.”
                He pulled her arm but she didn’t move. “What, are you struck by lighting? You will see a lot of celebrities soon. Don’t worry. You will meet them again.”
                He pulled her again and she cannot do anything but follow him. Soon, he said. How soon? When she meets him again, will she be as stunned as she was tonight? The realization of it all hit her. And it was true…what they say…that when you are so hurt, you cannot even cry anymore.
                “Jin oppa…”
                “Nothing, just forget it.”
“Leeteuk hyung,we have a problem.”
                Since those words slipped from Kangin’s mouth he already prepared himself for whatever might come. In the end, he was still mesmerized… He told himself that sooner or later they would meet again. But he didn’t expect that she would come to Seoul this fast.
                His heart almost stopped when he saw her standing next to Sora. Even by just looking at her from behind, he can immediately recognize her. It was painful to realize that never be with her again…
                “Have we met before?” that was probably the most stupid question he could ask; though he was surprised that she didn’t answer back.
                He saw the pain flash through her eyes before she looked down. This was better though…than to let her know that he remembered her. He would be married soon anyway…to this woman beside him. They were walking towards her apartment after her schedule that night. It was already past four in the morning and they just finished their early breakfast. He hasn’t slept yet.
                “Oppa, tomorrow…can you come with me?”
                They will choose her gown tomorrow…he knew that. He nodded before she went inside and gave him a goodnight kiss. Sora was still as beautiful and as smart as she used to be many years ago. It was the same reason why he fell for her again. But why did he start to waver? His feelings for this girl and that girl was almost the same…it was love.
                He turned and entered the elevator; pushing the ground floor button. He closed his eyes. His bed was calling him because he hasn’t slept since yesterday. If it was the only way he could really forget her…then he would bury himself to work again. Even if he starts to get sick, he would do it for the sake of forgetting her…
                He opened his eyes when he felt the elevator stopped. And when the doors opened…he wished that he headed straight back home. Because before him stood the woman he must forget…yet all he can do was to make a smile.
A/N: I’m back with a new chapter! This time with the help of Minnie, in AFF she’s known as Kiss… ^-^
We will work on this series together from now on. But because we have summer classes, we have to finish this Episode as soon as we can. It would be easier with her help for sure. Please give us lots of love! ^-^

P.S. I made that poster...I know it doesn't look like I did but I really did it!