Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Island

Part 3

“What are you doing?!”
                She threw his bag for the nth time she doesn’t know anymore. He is angry now, looking at her with scary eyes that she can’t stand to look at him anymore.
                “(Your name)~yah! Will you stop throwing my things out?!” He shouted fiercely grabbing her arm. “Will you stop throwing me out? Why are you doing this?”
                She pulled her arm from his grasp. Though it hurts she didn’t mind anymore. “Jung Su oppa…No…Leeteuk~ssi Super Junior’s Leeteuk~ssi! You don’t belong here, you will never belong here. Will you stop fooling yourself?”, she said all of this in an informal tone. “Jung Su oppa doesn’t even belong here; he’s just a fragment of my imagination. I can’t see him anymore. The man in front of me right now is someone I just look up to. Pretending to be Jung Su oppa, my Jung Su oppa.”
                He was startled for a while. “What are you saying? Are you crazy?”
                She took his things once more, this time he didn’t dare take them back. “These things…they don’t belong to you. You, Leeteuk~ssi, your things are in Seoul. Your life is there. Why don’t you get it?”        
                Her heart breaks at every word she says, forming tears in her eyes but she blinked them back. “I don’t know you. You are not the person who came here a month ago. You are another person.”
                He looked straight at her, not blinking as if he’s going to miss an important thing in his life if he does. “Here,” he moved one step closer to her. “Is where I believe I belong. I would not go back to Seoul. Because there…you won’t be there anymore. Why can’t you understand me? My past, it’s all gone. Right now, all I want to be is to be with you. Why are you pushing me away?”
                He reached a hand out to touch her face but she pushed him away. “No…no.”
                She turned around looking above to stop the tears from falling down. Instead, he hugged her from the back. “Don’t you know? I already fell in love with the woman who took care of me. Am I selfish for thinking for myself this time? I want to stay here for myself. You told me to think about myself once in a while right? This time, I’m thinking for myself…can’t you think about yourself as well? Don’t mind those people I left, they have twelve people there, but you, you only have me.”
                She removed his hands around her waist. “I…I don’t like you.”
                It was not a lie. Not in her entire life had she liked Leeteuk or Jung Su. Because from the very start, she fell in love with him. But she would not dare to tell him that or he would insist on staying. She’d rather lose him than be selfish. That’s not like her to keep things for herself.
                She turned to look at him. Determination can be seen from her eyes. “Jung Su oppa or Leeteuk oppa, I don’t like them both. I’d rather not keep them here. It’s better if he stay away from me. That way, I won’t be bothered anymore. I am not selfish,” she can see the pain in his eyes but she acted cold. “I don’t keep things I don’t like.”
                It hurts him, but it hurts her more. Her words are like endless knives scarring her heart at every blow. But pain, it’s okay with her. It’s not as if she wasn’t hurt before.
He knows that she’s lying. But how can she say it that way? As if she’s really saying the truth? The way she says things, it’s as if it’s true. Would he believe her? But that will only hurt him more.
                Maybe all his efforts were gone to waste. It’s the first time in his life to be dumped like this. Is his stay worth it? He must have headed home the moment he felt okay. But for a while, he thought everything was perfect. Now, being hurt like this, he felt like a fool for wanting to stay.
                Maybe that’s why she always asks him to go home, back to Seoul. He thought she likes him the way he does. Why wouldn’t he think that way? For the few weeks he stayed there, she took care of him. Is he the only one enjoying her company? Is he the only one touched by her care? Is he the only one falling so helplessly in love?
                “You’re lying.” He said.
                He saw her eyes lose its concentration for a while, that gave him hope.
                “I’m not. If you believe I am, it’s up to you. I don’t have time for this.” She turned and headed for the door. “I can help you go back to the city. I expect your things…no you don’t have anything to pack anyway. I expect you to be ready by the morning.”
                The moment she closed the door, that’s the moment Leeteuk come back. Maybe he should go back home. He looked at the mirror hanging by the wall. He changed a lot. He grew darker from being exposed in the sun, his hair grew longer, but he looks healthier because he got enough rest. His skin glows more.
                A knock on his door stopped his thoughts. Halmeoni showed herself.
                “Good evening my dear.”
                And when he saw her, he wanted to run to her and cry. His tears sprang up but he tried his best for them not to fall. “Good evening.”
                She walked slowly to him. Opening her arms she said, “Can I hug you? You know, I’m a fan too.”
                When he reached for her, he cannot control his emotions from exploding. His tears fell like rain falling from the sky.
                “The two of you fought, didn’t you?” she held his face like a child. “(Your name) is crying too. What did she say to you?”
                “She pushed me away again.”
                “Did she tell you that she doesn’t like you? She said it was true, but you know what? I have a secret.” She flashed a smile. “(Your name)~yah, she loves Jung Su a lot. More than Jung Su can ever imagine. Be it Jung Su or Leeteuk, her heart cannot be changed. But my grandchild is not selfish, the more she loves…the more she gives.”
                He understood what halmeoni wants to say. “I should…I should come home.”
                She nodded. “That’s what you should do.”
                “I understand.” He said. “Then I should get ready for tomorrow. I can cook dinner, too.”
                “That you can do.”
She opened the door expecting her grandmother outside. She wiped her tears. But instead of an old woman, a tall man was standing in front of her, eyes still sore from crying. Then he did cry like her.
                “If you close this door you won’t be able to see me again. This will be our last night together; will you turn your back on me again?”
                She did not; instead he let him in, just like the way he entered in her life.
                They sat on the floor. “Tomorrow, I will leave. I don’t know what will happen. I don’t know if I can still go back. Do you want that?”
                She turned her head. “No…”
                “Then why are you telling me to go earlier. You even lied about not liking me.” He stopped her before she could even open her mouth. “Don’t you lie to me again. Liking is almost the same as loving. You can’t love a person when you don’t like him. Though you, your feeling for me are more than just liking me, it’s still the same.”
                She looked down. “Then Jung Su oppa will leave by the morning.”
                “Yes, and I want you to be there.”
                She can’t do that. He knows she can’t see him leave like that. But he still wants her to be there. “I can’t…”
                “If you won’t then I won’t go. I want you there. It will be the last time we can be together.”
                She nodded.
                He lifted her face. “(Your name)~ssi…no, this is not right…” he sighed, “My (your name), I promise you that I will never forget you.”
                “I hope so,” she laughed. “Jung Su oppa is using lines to me. On how many women have you tried that?”
                She hopes to lighten up the atmosphere. They can’t stay mellow, it will only make her feel bad. Even if he’s here, she already misses him, how much more after he left?
                “You’re fooling with me.” He laughed as well. “Then, I should take this picture with me.” He took her picture frame. “Will you write for me?”
                “What should I write?”
“One, two, three!”
                They took as many pictures as they can with the Polaroid camera she borrowed. Two shots for each if possible. They will keep these as memories.
                The sun is still low, it’s still early. In a few minutes…the man she loves will leave. But being happy is the only option. It’s for the best.
                “I shall go now,” he said when he saw the boat coming their way. He kept the pictures at his bag that she prepared. “Too bad, halmeoni just had two pictures with me. She wouldn’t make me take another one.”
                “She wouldn’t even take pictures with her own granddaughter yet she gave you some, that’s unfair.” She pouted, taking the camera from his hand. “Anyway, Jung Su oppa, please do your best in Seoul. And don’t forget about me.” She took a picture of him and kept it.
                He smiled before hugging her. “I will never forget you. Even if my memories invade my mind, my heart belongs to you.”
                Then, just before letting her go, he gave her a kiss. Her first kiss. Then he started running to the boat.
                “My (your name), SARANGHAEYO!!” he even formed a heart while waving. “I will come back! I promise!”
                Tears formed in her eyes. “Jung Su oppa! Please take care of yourself!  If you’re hurt, I will be hurt too! Sa…Sa…SARANGHAE!”
                She saw him wipe his eyes when the boat started moving away. He waved. She waved and saw the boat disappear in the horizon just as her love disappeared. “Please come back.”
Six moths after the accident, the first time they appeared on television again. She sat and thankfully, the television opened just as Leeteuk was interviewed.
                “So what happened in the one month that you are gone?” the MC said.
                He scratched the scar on his forehead. “Actually, everything is unclear. But I know that there are people who took very good care of me.”
                “Do you want to thank them?”
                “Of course,” he smiled on the camera. “To those people, I’m sorry for not remembering you. I don’t know how to thank you for saving my life. If not for you, maybe I’m gone. In my heart, I’m really thankful for those memories. My life belongs to you.”
                For a while, she was hurt. So he doesn’t remember her anymore. But still she must be glad seeing him happy just like he was before. If one day they meet again, she will be just a stranger. But for her, he will not be just Leeteuk, because he changed her entire life. She smiled. This island is really wonderful.
“Hyung,” it was Kangin.
                He looked up to him still holding onto the picture in his hand. “Why?”
                He sat beside him. “Why did you lie? I thought you will say the truth today?”
                “Jung Su oppa, I’m the woman you love don’t you? Please don’t forget me…(Your name)” the woman smiled at him. How can he forget? He didn’t even have amnesia. But he lied, because he fell in love with this woman the moment he saw her picture that time and didn’t want to leave that instant.
                “I can’t,” he said. “You know that it’s for her own good. Besides, I already sent her a letter with our picture. She will receive it by tomorrow morning.” He smiled.
My (your name);
                I’m sorry for lying on the interview. It’s for your own good. I kept my promise, I haven’t forgotten you. I’ll be back, but I still don’t know when. Maybe when I have a break from work.
                Anyway, this is our picture. I even had their signature, please keep it. And maybe I’ll also send you a television soon so you can always see me. ^_^
                Park Jung Su

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Island


They went by the shore and walked. They talked and laughed as if they’ve known each other for a long time. She told him whatever she knows about him. Who he was, what he do for a living.
                “So my real name is Park Jung Su? So why don’t you call me Jung Su oppa instead of Leeteuk?” He smiled another bright smile at her once again.
                “Can I…really do that?”
                She was hoping that she can. It’s a privilege calling him by his name.
                “Of course you can,” he said before removing the stray hair on her face. “So, am I really a singer?”
                She smiled at his obvious curiosity. She nodded, “Jung Su oppa is the leader of the thirteen membered group Super Junior.”
                “That many?! How do you know us then?”
                She sat on the sand looking to the sea. “I don’t know. I just woke up and realized that I know all of you by heart.” She brushed the sand off her feet.
                He sat beside her, “Tell me more…”
                She looked towards the sea where the sun is almost setting. “One thing I’m certain about, you have millions of fans around the world cheering for you and waving your blue balloons every time you perform.”
                He sighed, making her head turn in his direction. “Then that must be really hard on us…,” he looked at her. “We need to do our best so that no one will be disappointed in us. We can’t make our beloved E.L.F.s sad. Everyone’s working really hard ever since.”
                “But still,” she glanced at him. “I have never seen Jung Su oppa without a smile on his face.”
                He placed a hand on her head, “Because I want all E.L.F.s to see me happy.”
                At that moment, she saw Leeteuk again. The leader who is constantly smiling. Someone who sings and dances even if his back is aching. The Leeteuk who is full of energy even after a long tiring day of back to back performances. His eyes are as bright as the setting sun, maybe he remembers something. But just for a while.
                “I think we should go back home, halmeoni might be waiting for us.” He stood up showing a hand to her, “Please don’t pull too hard or it will hurt.”
                She reached out a hand, her first time to hold a man’s hand. “You should not force yourself to smile when you’re hurting oppa.”
                “I know…”
She poured water down on his cup. It was their first dinner together. Though it seems rather awkward, he seemed not to mind. He’s acting comfortable sitting in front of her.
“Jung Su oppa, do you eat these?” she pointed at the food prepared at the table.
The dishes were simple, not like the one’s they eat in the city. Yet, he nodded excitedly. He was like a kid being served for the first time. He tasted everything and ate everything deliciously. It makes her feel good. Just observing him eat makes her full.
“(Your name)~ssi, why don’t you eat with me?”
“Okay, I’ll eat with you. I just happen to enjoy watching Jung Su oppa eat happily. It doesn’t look like you just came from something bad.”
“Maybe it’s better if we don’t talk about it, I don’t know but I think it’s better to be like this for a while.” He stopped eating and looked at her. “You know what? I even think it’s better, though it’s not really good, to not remember my past anymore.”
She almost threw up the food from her mouth. “What? That’s…that’s…why?” she looked at him as if he was crazy.
Remembering what happened by the beach, she really thought that he wanted to remember. But the way he talks just now, the glow in his eyes gone, he looks as if he doesn’t really want to go back.
“I don’t know…” he sighed. “My mind tells me to remember, but my heart tells me not to. You know, being an idol like you told me, I think it’s hard.”
He looks sad but he’s determined. Is it really hard to be famous like he was? How can it be hard when there are millions of people supporting you? There are millions of people loving you.
“Jung Su oppa might be right. But please think more of it. You can’t just do it without thinking over it a thousand times.”
“I might as well do that.”
“Halmeoni, you want massage?”
                Her grandmother looked at Leeteuk with smiling eyes. “Will you do that for me young man?”
                “I’d be glad to.”
                Looking at them from a distance, they look like real relatives. Leeteuk is happy acting like a grandchild to her grandmother. She remembered that he used to be really close to his own grandmother.
                She went upstairs and opened her radio and went to the roof; the only place she can find a signal. It was almost 8 pm. Youngstreet will be on in a few minutes. It will be the first airing since the accident happened. It’s been a week.
                The opening song has started as well as the introductions.
                “Hello everyone. My name is Kim Heechul. As you all know we met an accident a few days ago, and today I’m back with you. For a while, let’s play this song.”
                A soft music played in the background while she lied down looking at the stars. It has been a habit she does everytime she listens to the radio at night.
                “What are you doing?”
                She looked at the window at her right, Leeteuk was looking at her from the room.
                “I’m listening music.”
                “Why are you there? It’s cold just come inside.”
                She smiled, “I can’t do that. There’s no signal inside the house. Would you like to listen, too?”
                He nodded and climbed the window slowly. “Are you sure this is safe?”
                “I’ve been doing this every night. I think it’s safe because you can still speak to me.”
                He sat beside her. “What are you listening to?”
                “It’s Youngstreet.” She said, still lying on the roof.
                He lied beside her, “Oh, Heechul’s radio show. You listen to it everyday?”
                She looked at him, he didn’t realize it. “Yes, and I do listen to Kiss the Radio, too.”
                “What’s that?”, he looked at her.
                She sat. This man is really weird. One time he remembers a thing without realizing it then forgets the important things to remember about himself.
                He knows that Heechul hosts a radio show but doesn’t remember his own show.
                “Jung Su oppa doesn’t remember his own radio show but knows Heechul oppa’s show. You are weird. Why don’t you remember things about you?”
                “Who’s Heechul?” he sat up. “Did I say that?”
                “If I didn’t know you had an amnesia, I would think you’re just making this up oppa. Yes, you said it. Heechul oppa is also your member. Please remember it quickly. Don’t you want to go back oppa?”
                He lied on his back once more, looking at the stars, he thought. “This roof is cold.” He sat again. “I think I should go back inside. It’s bad for my back.”
                She stood up before him. “Jung Su oppa should stay here, I’ll get a blanket and a futon for you.”, she headed for her own room. And without looking at him she said, “Please don’t always run away when I’m asking you questions.”
                She left him sitting on the roof. Maybe it’s not right to force him too much, but he won’t budge on his own. He isn’t even willing to remember his own past. If she won’t push him, he would rather sit and not think of anything than think about his past.
                “(Your name)~ssi,” he called by her window. “I don’t want to go back. I’ve thought about it more than just a thousand times. I think life here is better than my life before.”
                He climbed to her window. “You see, sometimes I remember segments of my old memories. When I need to be good for the sake of others, I lose myself. There are times when I need to forget about my own self and act just to be accepted. I don’t want that life anymore.”
                She stopped. “Then the more you should go back.” She looked at him and smiled. “You need to say sorry to those people for pretending to be someone you are not. But honestly oppa, when I met you, who you are on stage, is almost the same behind it. You are a good person. ^_^”
He woke up early that morning getting used to his life in the island. The place where he can be an ordinary person. The longer he stayed there, the more he doesn’t want to leave and go back to whom he has been.
                In the island, he can sing for himself. Cook, go fishing, clean the house for himself. Be silly, be comfortable. He can laugh at his mistakes; he can stay up all night wishing the night will be longer. He can look like a mess. He can sleep all day long. He can dance like a fool. He can live peacefully with this pretty girl named (your name). He can fall in love…
                “Don’t you want to go back oppa?”, she said last night when they were at the rooftop looking at the stars at the clear sky. “Heechul oppa mentioned you again on Youngstreet tonight he’s always crying and he wasn’t like that.”          
                That’s the fifth time she asked him the same question but he keeps rejecting the idea of leaving.
                It’s coming nearer to a month, yet he doesn’t feel like going back to Seoul. This place, it’s always like home to him. (your name)~ssi’s grandmother reminds him of his own. The peaceful sound of the waves calms his soul.
                “Jung Su~yah seems to be enjoying his life here,” halmeoni said once.
                Yes, it’s true. The fishing in the morning, the old clothes he wears (most came from the town’s ahjusshis are in white that makes him calmer), the taste of the food they eat, all of these makes him happy. The simple life contents him.
                “Jung Su oppa! Come here quick!”
                He went out to where (your name) is calling. The television was working again, it in the mood today.     
                The news was on, he was there. They were still looking for him. Some members were still in the hospital. Sukira KTR is still on a hiatus. All of their activities were stopped. People were praying and crying.
                “I don’t want to watch it,” he said coldly turning to the door where he came from.
                She followed him grabbing his arm. “Jung Su oppa…is really stubborn…”
                He didn’t dare look at her for she might see what he really feels.
                “Oppa, you’ve enjoyed your stay here too much for your own good. Can’t you see? Many people are worried because of you.” she said in a pleading voice. “Why don’t you want to see the people who love you? They need you to be there.”
                He removed her hand from his arm, “I don’t need them. I’m happy with who I am now, what’s the sense of going back when I don’t even know them? I like it here, with halmeoni…and you…”
                He continued to go; it’s true…who would want to go back when all you need is where you are right now?
It was another tiring day…another day when she needed to push her own wants away. No matter how much she wanted him to stay, it wouldn’t be the best. Seeing other’s loss for her own sake wouldn’t make her a happy person.
                “What’s the problem?”, halmeoni once again invaded her thoughts.
                She looked at her, “Halmeoni, he still doesn’t want to go.”
                “Just let him be,” she patted her back.
                “I can’t do that,” she said with a sigh. “Halmeoni, you know how much happy I became when I saw Jung Su oppa for the first time, but seeing him like that…I can’t even look at him anymore. He wanted to forget his past. Is that what I made of him?”
                For the past weeks they’ve been together, their relationship has been more than just a simple friendship. She can feel how much he has taken care of her. He wouldn’t even make her lift her own feet if he may. He’s been really thoughtful and kind. Though she had never been in love before, this is a fact that she can’t deny. Her feelings for him had grown deeper within the days they’ve spent with each other.
                “The Leeteuk in him may have wanted this. You can’t deny him the freedom that he just had right now.”
                She remembers how much happy he was when they go fishing together in the morning. He doesn’t even care if his skin goes a tone darker. He won’t mind racing by the shore barefooted. He would cook for her, piggyback her, wash clothes with her. It was a dream for an E.L.F. like her. But …
                She looked at the door where he had entered a few minutes ago. What will happen if she just let him be?
                “I can’t let him do that. If I need to throw him away of this island I would. He needs to go back to where he belongs. And I know it’s not here.”

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Episode 1: "Leeteuk's Story -- The Island"

She was an ordinary girl living in the province with her grandmother. Their only connection to the outside world is a radio and a television which has mood swings (it will work one time then stops the other time).
                Thought very far away from the city, she’s been a big fan of Super Junior’s. An E.L.F. at heart, a blue-blood.
                “Halmeoni, I’ll be going,” she said to her grandmother who was busy taking in their washed clothes.
                “Take care.”
                It was still very early in the morning. About 4:00 am, since she’s used to waking up really early even with such a small sleep. She still needs to catch some fish for their food and goods to sell.
                Reaching the shore a few minutes later, she greeted the ajusshis by the shore before pushing her own boat. It’s been a cold rainy morning a few hours ago causing the morning to be really foggy and cold.
                “(Insert your name here), are you still going ashore? The waves are still high,” the eldest ajusshi fisherman said to her.
                “Yes,” she smiled brightly. “Don’t worry ajusshi, I won’t go too far.”
                It’s just an ordinary day, one of the many that have already passed. Fishing in the morning, cooking, cleaning the house. It’s a process that hasn’t been changed for all her life.
                She was singing “In My Dreams” while rowing to the spot she always goes to catch fish. Lowering her net, she was thinking on what to cook for lunch with the left ingredients at home. She wasn’t able to go to the market because their budget was cut off.
                “I might as well prepare spicy rice cakes,” she said to herself while setting the net down.
                After pulling her net up a few minutes later, something caught her attention. Though it was a little foggy, she was certain that she saw something not far from her boat. She raised a lamp up, started to row towards the direction only to see that it was a man!
                “Oh, my! Ajusshi!! Ajusshi!” she shouted at the top of her lungs. She rowed faster towards the man floating on a piece of wood.
                When she reached the man, she saw the cut on his head and back. Small bruises can be seen on his arms as well. She started to tug the man.
                Pulling him up she said, “Wake up ajusshi!”
                She took off her blanket for it must be cold. The man was pale from being in the water but she felt him breathing. “Hold on ajusshi! I will take you to a doctor!”
                She rowed her best, trying to reach the shore as fast as she can. Believing that this man’s life is in her hands. “Ajusshi, hold on okay? We will be there soon.”
                Saying these things, even if she doesn’t know if the man hears her, makes her feel better. She looked down on him. He was filled with dirt; there were even burn marks on his left arm. Somewhat he looks familiar.
                Still rowing with all her might, they reached the shore leaving her breathless.
                “Hong ajusshi!!” she shouted upon reaching the shore to call the attention of the others there, jumping off the boat. “The-there...” she gasped catching her breath. “A man, on my boat, please…please take him to the doctor.”
                She collapsed.
“(Your name),” a voice called out, she slowly opened her eyes.
                Her grandmother looked at her with worried eyes. Touching her hair with those warm hands, it made her feel at ease. She closed her eyes once again. “Halmeoni, I feel tired.”
                Her mind keeps on drifting, she wanted to rest. Her stomach is aching, she might not eaten breakfast again. What time is it? Is it time to catch fish?
                She snapped. “The man!”
                She sat right up remembering what happened earlier. She looked outside the opened door. The sky is much more clearer than it was this morning. It was already past twelve when she looked on the watch hanging by the wall.
                “Halmeoni, there was a man, I saw him--”
                “Shh…I know, he’s already sleeping inside the room.” Her grandmother continued to caress her hair. “Don’t worry, the doctor said he will be fine, nothing more than some cuts and bruises. Even the burn was not that bad. Just take a rest.”
                She searched for her grandmother’s eyes if she is telling the truth. She was. Making her feel at ease. She stood up. “I should cook, Halmeoni. You must be hungry already,” she fixed the futon where she slept and smiled at her still worried grandmother. “I will prepare an early dinner as well.”
                She went to their kitchen, passing by the room where their visitor is resting. What might have happened to that man? It’s such a pity seeing someone lost. When he woke up she might as well help him go back home when he feels better.
                “I’ll just look at him later. Maybe he needs some time to rest.”
                She walked by, she still has a lot more to do.
There was a sudden pain in his head. His back is aching like hell. It stings everywhere, hurts; he doesn’t know what to do.
                Opening his eyes, he realized that there was something different. The atmosphere felt different. And somewhat, he hears the sound of waves. It was quiet, nothing more than the wind can be heard.
                “Where am I?”,he said sitting.
                He can’t move any muscle easily. It causes him pain. He thought for a while. He must have gone somewhere. He looked around the room where he was in, it was simple and small. A small cabinet can be seen on one side where a picture frame was. It was a woman, a really beautiful woman.
                “Oh, you’re already up.” An old woman entered the room, bringing a tray of food.
                What is this all about?
Her heart hammered through her ribs, seeing the man asleep a few minutes ago. Who would’ve thought it would be someone so special? Her mind felt like spinning, she doesn’t know if she ought to be excited or worried. It was Park Jung Su, otherwise known as Leeteuk, Super Junior’s Leeteuk.
                When she opened the door to check on him, she ended up almost fainting. It was her bias, Leeteuk...
                “What should I do?” she placed a hand upon her chest, it still beats fast.
                She looked inside again, her grandmother placed the tray beside him and went outside. There was still a puzzled look on his face. Even if he has some bruises on his face, it doesn’t change the fact that he’s really handsome. No make-up and everything but he’s still the most handsome man in the world for her.
                Slowly she entered the room. “Hello…” she said shyly.
                He just looked at her with a blank look on his face.
                “Are you still hurting? If you want to I can call our doctor to check up on you.”
                He didn’t even react, just kept staring at her. His eyes are slowly changing, from a blank stare to somewhat confusion. “Where am I?”, it was almost a whisper.
              She scratched her head, “Oh…earlier this morning, I saw you floating at the sea…literally, so I took you to a doctor--”
                “Where am I?!” he snapped, bringing her in a state of shock.
                She hasn’t seen him like this before. She said the name of their town. She saw the bewilderment in his eyes.
                “Why? Why am I here?”
                “Oppa…oppa had an accident this morning, don’t you remember? It’s in the news…” she explained.
                He held his head, a frown formed in his forehead. “I don’t remember.”
“Yes, it is possible. It must be the trauma he had together with that injury on his head, maybe amnesia.”, their town doctor stated.
                She peaked once more inside the room where Leeteuk was sitting, looking around him. He looks lost and he’s not smiling. Watching him on television, she thinks that he’ll always be smiling. But now, in this situation, he doesn’t even want to touch his food even if he’s really hungry.
                She left her grandmother and their doctor and went inside the room.
                “Oppa,” she called on him in a bright voice. She should keep the light atmosphere. “I’m an E.L.F. my name is (your name).”
                He looked at her, “What E.L.F.?”
                She sat in front of him, “It’s your fan’s club. We are your everlasting friends.”
                He looked away. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Can you please leave me alone?”
                “Ahhh…I’m sorry,” she stood up. “Oppa, I’ll be leaving. Please eat when you’re hungry.” She flashed a smile on him once again.
                When she turned, she almost cried. He can’t even remember his name, his work. He was not the same Leeteuk she saw on television. His eyes weren’t bright anymore, there is always a shadow covering his every words.
                She walked back outside by the beach. “Omma,” she whispered to the air. “What should I do?”
                “(your name)~yah,” her grandmother called.
                She looked at her grandmother tears forming in her eyes, “Halmeoni, I’m worried, what should I do?”
                “He’ll be fine, don’t worry too much.” Her grandmother’s smile took away the pain she’s feeling.
                She nodded. Hoping that she’s right.
For three days, Leeteuk hasn’t talked to anyone, he’s like a lost spirit loitering around the house. She’s worried.
                “Good morning,” a man’s voice called making her shocked. “Did I scare you? I’m sorry.”
                When she looked behind her, Leeteuk was standing by the door with a smile so bright it almost took her breath away. Is she just hallucinating?
                “(your name)~ssi looks like she’s seen a ghost? Are you alright?”, he was holding his injured hand. “I’m healing fast, you see? I can stand and walk already. I can also eat my food properly now.”
                “Huh?”, was all she can say. She looked up to the sky, to the sea then back at him thinking that if she did he will disappear. But he was there.
                He started to laugh, “Ouch,” he hugged his waist. “I’m still hurting a little bit on my midsection.”
                She went near him and reaches out a hand to his forehead. “Are you having a fever? Are you sick? Are you hurt?”
                “Are you okay? It looks like you’re the one who is sick. I’m fine.”
                “So I’m not hallucinating that Leeteuk oppa is talking to me?” she confirmed.
                “No. I’m really sorry for being like that, I’m just not feeling well, and not remembering is another thing,” he rubbed his bruise on the forehead. “It’s itching when I try to think, can you help me? I want to know who I am…” he smiled.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

E.L.F. s Dream

This story is pure fiction and just a fragment of my imagination.
Few years later...
                It’s their first travel together after a long while. All thirteen of them, travelling to Jeju Island on that cold night of December. It’s overwhelming to see them complete, which was really rare, in one plane and to the same destination.
                Some of them are talking, some are sleeping, but only one thing is the same…they are all happy.
Reminiscing their old days when they were younger.  It doesn’t matter if they’re noisy, that part of the plane was occupied entirely by them, their staffs and their managers.
                The laughter of Heechul can be heard above the noise the other boys were making. Leeteuk, Donghae and Eunhyuk were fast asleep on one side. Sungmin played his guitar while Kyuhyun played on his laptop. Kibum was silently reading on one corner with earphones plugged on his ears shutting the noise out. Shindong was busy sending messages to his then wife Nari. Hankyung, Kangin, Siwon and Yesung talked a lot with Heechul. Only Ryeowook observed the thickening clouds outside the window.
                “Hyung, haven’t you noticed the dark cloud outside? Seems to me that it will rain.”, he said worrying.
                Heechul looked outside as well, ”It’s just normal, we’re up in the sky Wookie.”
                He shrugged. Still worried because of the dark clouds.
                Suddenly, Sungmin almost threw his guitar, ”Was it just me or the plane shook?”, he nudged at Shindong.
                Looking up to Sungmin, Shindong said that he must be imagining things.
                “Hey, hyung, I felt it too.” Kibum took of his earphones and looked at the others. “This is worrisome.”
                Thunderclaps followed the lightning that showed its self causing the overly noisy group to quiet down and for the sleeping to wake up.
                “Is there some kind of storm coming? It really looks bad from here, I can’t even see anything.” Kyuhyun commented turning off his computer as well.
                All of them looked at each other. Nobody spoke, just feeling the changes. The plain shook once more causing panic to some of them specially Eunhyuk.
                “Oh my, it’s dangerous. What should we do??”
                Donghae looked at him, “We’ll be okay,” he said even if he himself is also scared.
                “Really, why is this plane flying low? We should be above the clouds,” Yesung complained.
                The plane trembled once more after a loud thunder sounded. Lights started to flicker, even the notice by the captain can’t be deciphered through the screams coming from the other side of the plane. Another thunder clap sounded, but this time, they all saw the spark coming from the left turbine of the aircraft.
                “Crap! What’s this?!” Shindong snapped in panic.
                Oxygen masks started to come down from their compartments. Even the staff started to wear their life jackets. Praying and keeping close together.
                The plane shook terribly, almost too much to keep a person standing up properly.
                “Leeteuk hyung!! I’m scared!”
                Leeteuk doesn’t even know who stated it but he still ordered them to calm down, “We should stick together!”
                Screams were all over the place, the lights went off. Silently, they were all praying for their safety and as well as for the other people in the plane. They held on to their seats when the plane leaned on to its side.
                Nobody can’t be seen, bodies were trapped under the weight of other. There was fire, screams and the air pressure went inside. They can’t hear a thing. But there was pain and blood.
                The plane continued to turn into circles, crashing down in the speed they can’t even describe. It hurts everywhere. Scary and unstoppable. Who would’ve thought that their vacation would turn into a tragic accident? The world turned blank. They were crashing and it can’t be helped. They don’t know what happened then.
The plane to Jeju Island crashed this early morning, about 2 am due to the storm that arrived. It is said to be flight in which the Asian superstars Super Junior were boarded. The whereabouts of the plane was found earlier at 5 am and the search and rescue operations have started. This is one of the most tragic things that happened to us. Let us pray for our fellow country men’s safety.